Friday, November 16, 2007

I love school!

It's been almost 2 and a half months now that Luigia has started school. The first week was difficult for her to adjust: going from being home with mama and her little brother to being at school with strangers who demand weird things from you 5 hours a day can be a hard transition...Now she is feeling it. She gets on the bus in the morning, she is leader of the line at school, she comes home and demonstrates her new dance moves (they have dance class, gymnastics, art class, music and movement, and yoga!) and she is even getting potty trained! Most importantly, she made friends: Ryan, Jalen, Joanna, Luis, Anselm and she came to trust other adults who now care for her too: Miss Rachelle, Ruthie and Kwamina.


Anonymous said...

Look how big she looks in this picture, with her schoolgirl pigtails! Ha, I knew she would be the ring-leader in her troop. Expanding your world requires a lot of courage! Go Luigia! You can do it!
There's always something new to discover in school.

Your Auntie Ming!

Anonymous said...

This blog is awesome! I am so happy to be one of the lucky ones who is in Luigia's path in life. Not only does she learn from us but she teaches us as well. She is progressing very nicely in class and is making lots of new friends. Way to go Lulu!


Qbertplaya said...

awww...what a pretty girl! i hope we will see all of you at shifu's b'day on feb. 2nd. amituofo!

-- ellen